The Ultimate Workout Split (Including 2.0)
I'm pleased to offer you both The Ultimate Workout Split and The Ultimate Workout Split 2.0 for the same low cost of 50 bucks!
The Ultimate Workout Split is the fitness program and weekly gym routine of yours truly. It has evolved and been refined over many years of training.
The Ultimate Workout Split combines the same handful of big compound movements. It involves the simple tried and true approach to gaining strength and honing your physique which is pursuing the development of muscle groups instead of individual muscles. This program should be followed for a minimum of 2 seasons, but I recommend you do it for a full year before advancing.
The Ultimate Workout Split 2.0 combines a more diverse array of exercises for those who are ready to take on a more advanced program. It involves an optimized and scientific approach to gaining strength and honing your physique which is pursuing the development of individual muscles instead of muscle groups. I recommend you only advance to 2.0 once you have spent some time doing the same handful of compound exercises in high-volume (high sets and reps) outlined in version one.
The Ultimate Workout Split (both version one and 2.0) are excellent for both:
- Overweight & underweight individuals.
- Packing on muscle and trimming fat.
- Honing your aesthetics + helping you gain strength.
Following these programs transformed me and completely changed my life. I promise the same thing will happen for you if you lock in with The Ultimate Workout Split.
A week long breakdown of everything you need to do to get strong, healthy, and develop a highly aesthetic phsyique.